Web Design!

as you're exploring this website i bet you're thinking

"Wow. This looks kind of bad. There's lots of flashing, and it looks like something a teenager would make on Myspace in the 2000s. I'm sure even I can do better"

well Fuck You.

Layouts and backgrounds

[Sadgrl Tiled Backgrounds]

[Sadgrl Layout Builder] more layouts here and extra info with this here


[Almost Sweet]



[Backgrounds Archive]

Web hosting

[Neocities] you're on it. free.

[Cheap VPS Host Masterlist] a list of some of the cheapest VPS hosting available

[Leprd.Space] free PHP & SQL webhosting for hobbyists

[TinyKVM] very small, cheap KVM host

Graphics and fonts

[Sadgrl Fonts]

[Glitter Graphics] community for graphics, layouts, glitter text, animated backgrounds and more.

[Dazzle Junction]


[BoodleBox] fake ads to use on your page

[GIFy Pet] create a cute pet for your webpage



[Blinkie] create your own blinkies

Website Metrics

[Free Website Hit Counter]

[GoatCounter] free website analytics tool that doesn't track personal data

[Link-Assistant Backlink Analysis] if you put in your URL, this will give you a list of websites that have linked to you

[GTmetrix] will scan your website's performance (how fast it loads, etc)

[Website Carbon Calculator]


[Construct Your CSS] visually create your layout and generate the code

[HTML Cheatsheet]

[CodePen] a live editor that shows you HTML/CSS changes as you make them in real time

[PurifyCSS Online] scans your site and cleans your CSS by removing unused code and condensing existing code.

[CSS Beautify] CSS formatter

[RV's free JavaScript/DHTML effects] a collection of JavaScript effects

[W3C Markup Validation Service] scans a website to ensure it's following HTML validation standards

[W3C CSS Validation Service] scans a website to ensure it's following CSS validation standards


Q: What do you do if your code doesn't work?

A: this

Q: Where do I start to create a site?

A: come up with a domain name, then either find a web hosting server or use your own if you have access to that. if it wasn't obvious enough i use Neocities for hosting my site. very beginner friendly.

Q: I don't know how to code! how can I learn?

A: courses online! theres the one from Neocities of course but i'm sure you can find others if needed. (someone find me another course please i need to hoard resources)

Q: Can I make a website without learning to code at all?

A: you *can* but why? html is relatively easy and coding is a good skill to have. 90% of my website is just html, it's really all you need to start. if you really want a website builder without coding check sadgirl.online's stuff i'm sure she has at least one in her own resource list

Q: Is site creation hard?

A: sometimes!

Q: Couldn't you format this whole Q and A thing better?

A: i don't wanna :(

if you have any questions not listed here or need any other help you can contact me with anything on my socials page just keep in mind i am by no means an expert on anything at all